Modelización de la fatiga en estructuras metálicas
Inducción electromagnética y termografía aplicadas a la detección de fisuras en estructuras de acero
Aplicaciones de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias a la industria
Optimización no lineal
2021–actualmente: Profesor invitado. Facultad de ingeniería mecánica. Universidad de Gifu. Japón
2007–actualmente: Investigador en el Instituto de Estructuras Metálicas y Ligeras. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Karlsruhe, Alemania
2018: Dr.-Ing. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Karlsruhe, Alemania
2003–actualmente: Consultor en aplicaciones industriales de matemáticas y diseño de software. Karlsruhe, Alemania
2003: M.Sc. en Tecnomatemáticas: “Modelización matemática y cálculo científico”. TU Kaiserslautern. Kaiserslautern, Alemania
2000: Ingeniero Matemático. Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Quito, Ecuador
P. D. Toasa Caiza, D. Shiozawa, Y. Murao, T. Ummenhofer, and T. Sakagami, "Monitoring of crack length growth on welded specimens by applying square wave inductive thermography", International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 190, 2025, 108642, ISSN 0142-1123,
P. D. Toasa Caiza, D. Shiozawa, T. Ummenhofer, and T. Sakagami, “Real time detection of fatigue cracks on steel structures by applying square wave induction,” Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 166, p. 108799, 2024.
P. D. Toasa Caiza, “Some mathematical and geometrical interpretations of the Sator Square,” Recreational Mathematics Magazine - InPress, 2024.
Uematsu, Y.; Ozeki, Y.; Toasa Caiza, P. D. Tensile-shear properties of steel-Al adhesively bonded dissimilar joints and the effect of Al plate thickness. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 19819 (2023).
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza, Yoshihiko Uematsu. Analysis and modeling of the strain distribution and evolution during a fatigue test in ULCF and LCF on a friction stir welded specimen from steel and aluminum. Applications in Engineering Science, Volume 15, 2023, 100131, ISSN 2666-4968,
Sire, S., Toasa Caiza, P.D., Espion, B., Ragueneau, M. (2022). Contribution to the Study of the Fatigue of Riveted Joints, Influence of the Material and of the Stress Ratio. In: Lesiuk, G., Duda, S., Correia, J.A.F.O., De Jesus, A.M.P. (eds) Fatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures. Structural Integrity, vol 24. Springer, Cham.
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza, Stéphane Sire, Thomas Ummenhofer, Yoshihiko Uematsu. Full and partial compression fatigue tests on welded specimens of steel St 52-3. Effects of the stress ratio on the probabilistic fatigue life estimation, Applications in Engineering Science, Volume 10, 2022, 100091, ISSN 2666-4968,
Uematsu, Y., Kakiuchi, T., Niimi, K., Toasa Caiza P.D. et al. Local strain analysis under quasi-static tensile loading in Al/steel dissimilar friction stir weld by a digital image correlation method. Int J Adv Manuf Technol120, 349–360 (2022).
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza, Thomas Ummenhofer, José Antonio Correia and Abilio de Jesus. Applying the Weibull and Stüssi Methods that Derive Reliable Wöhler Curves to Historical German Bridges. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction. 2020. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000506.
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza and Thomas Ummenhofer. Lock-in thermography applied to real time crack detection in constructional steelwork. Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications, Atti della Fondazione ‘Giorgio Ronchi’, September 2015.
Paul Dario Toasa Caiza. Energy management in hybrid vehicles applying optimal control and powertrain models. Master Thesis, TU Kaiserslautern, 2003.
Chris Budd, Mark Peletier, Gerrtje Hek, David Iron, Andre Leger, Edi Cahyono, Ignacio Guerra, Paul Dario Toasa Caiza, and JF Williams. The artis problem. 42nd European Study Group with Industry, 2002.