Fernando Cortez

Posición: Responsable



Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Edificio 3, Administrativo.
8tavo piso Oficina  04. 
Ladrón de Guevara E11·253.


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Información adicional

Temas de Interés:

  • Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales
  • Análisis armónico



  • 2016–actualmente:  Profesor de la Facultad de Ciencias en la Escuela Politécnica Nacional
  • 2012 - 2015:  Tesis doctoral (Ph.D.) en la Universidad Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, bajo la dirección de Lorenzo Brandolese
  • 2010-2012. Mestría en Investigación Matemática en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 2005-2008. Licenciatura  en Ciencias mención Matemática


  1. Sharp well-posedness and  spatial decaying  for a generalized Kuramoto-Velarde-type equations (with O. Jarrín),  arXiv:2308.01449
  2. On the long-time behavior for a damped Navier-Stokes-Bardina model. Dis. Con. Dyn. Sys., 42, August 2022, p. 3661-3707.   (with O. Jarrín),  arXiv:2107.07070.
  3. Spatial behavior of solutions for a large class of non-local PDE's arising from stratified flows. Diff. Int. Equ.,  34, October 2021, p. 539-594  (with O. Jarrín),  arXiv: 2006.095942006.09594.
  4. On the local regularity theory for the MHD equations., Doc. Math. 26, March 2021, p. 125-148. (with D. Chamorro, M. F. Cortez, J. He, O. Jarrín.),  arXiv:2002.02682.
  5. On decay properties and asymptotic behavior of solutions to  a non-local perturbed KdV equation. Non. Anal. 187, October 2019, p. 365-396 (with O. Jarrín.),  arXiv:1811.10492.  
  6. Blowup for the nonlinear heat equation with small initial data in scale-invariant Besov norms. J. Funct. Anal  276, Issue 8, April 2019, p. 2589-2604 (with L. Brandolese),  arXiv:1902.06302.
  7. On the dynamics of zero-speed solutions for Camassa-Holm type equations, Int. Math. Res. Not., rnz038. (2019), p.1--43. (with M. Alejo, F. Cortez, C. Kwak, C. Mu\~noz.),  arXiv:1810.09594
  8. Blow-up for the  b-family of Equations.  Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 40, Issue 4,  March 2017, p. 1099-1476, arXiv:1407.4084.
  9. Blowup issues for a class of nonlinear dispersive wave equations. J. Diff. Equ. 256, Issue 12, June 2014, p. 3981-3998   (with L. Brandolese),  arXiv:1403.1798.
  10. On permanent and breaking waves in hyperelastic rods and rings. J. Funct. Anal  266, Issue 12, June 2014, p. 6954-6987 (with L. Brandolese), arXiv:1311.5170.
  11. PDEs in Moving Time Dependent Domains. Without Bounds: A Scientific Canvas of Nonlinearity and Complex Dynamics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. p. 559-577.  (with A. Rodríguez-Bernal.), arXiv:1403.0838.